Let me explain how manifestation really works. You exist in a universe that only you, and maybe a few others inhabit. It appears you exist in a universe with billions of other people, you do not. Those other people are reflections and dimensional overlaps that create the illusion you exist in a crowded universe. In order to get what you want, you have to align your frequency/vibration with a parallel universe that matches your desires. There is no judgment or preference involved, there is just an alignment of compatible frequencies. Think of a radio and you tune it to a specific station. All the other frequencies are available all around you but the radio hones in and becomes one with the one radio station you want. If you want to get some scientific evidence this is true I suggest you do searches for "double-slit experiment," "many-worlds theory" and Dolores Cannon talking about "background people." In addition to this, I might add that "The Mandela Effect" is also evidence that we all exist in different timelines. I know that everything you have been taught and most of your personal experiences make you think that you have no control over your life and that life happens to you and things like the "Law of Attraction" are just hocus-pocus new age rubbish. It is not. The reason you feel and think that way is because the ones who truly have control of this planet benefit by you thinking you have no control and you just have to put up with what happens to you. The 'Law of Attraction (LoA)' is actually just a tiny bit of knowledge that can help you learn to discover your true divine self and to take back control of the overlords and be a true sovereign. We have to start somewhere and LoA one place we can begin.
Someone challenged my premise in another group and I responded, "If there is an infinite number of parallel universes and only that explains how quantum reality works, how come all of them are full of the same people?"
If you have ever played a multiplayer game you can understand how reality works... we all work with the same basic reality but we also work with our own personal copy. I have had personal experiences on many occasions of stuff so weird, the one person or just a few persons per universe is how it is explained. The Mandela Effect is also evidence we live in multiple overlapping universes all almost identical.
All realities are just energy games. In an infinite number of possible patterns, all conscious entities involved are playing with the energy. In this reality, the greatest energy one can control is humans. This is done via money, propaganda, fear, and violence. Even though we are all in our own universe, to change to a better universe means you have to change your energy to match it. As long as you are buying into their fear and disinformation you stay compatible with their universe.
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