The famous scientist and inventor Nikola Tesla was a student of Swami Vivekananda. He used Sanskrit terms such as "prana," and "akasha," as he felt they accurately portrayed the functioning of the Universe. These terms are being used once again by scientists such as Ervin Laszlo as much of the very latest research on the nature of the universe is suggesting these ancient terms may be right on.
The words below, "chidakash," and "paramakash," are referring to different expressions of akasha.
"As long as you deal in terms: real - unreal, awareness is the only reality that can be. But the Supreme is beyond all distinctions, and to it the term "real" does not apply, for in it all is real and, therefore, need not be labelled as such. It is the very source of reality, it imparts reality to whatever it touches. It just cannot be understood through words. Even a direct experience, however sublime, merely bears testimony, nothing more.
The Universal Mind (chidakash) makes and unmakes everything. The Supreme (paramakash) imparts reality to whatever comes into being. To say that it is the universal love may be the nearest we can come to it in words. Just like love, it makes everything real, beautiful, desirable."
-Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj
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