Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Ascension Symptoms

It's easy to associate physical and emotional symptoms to ascension once you have discounted classic physical causes like lack of sleep or inadequate hydration. However, there are more subtle symptoms you might be missing or are assuming they must be signs you are losing your mind.
I am not talking about true forgetfulness. I am talking about having something disappear that should not disappear. And even more frustrating showing back up right where you knew it was supposed to be all along. This is a classic symptom of timeline shifting. The reason you are shifting timelines is that you are leaving one for one your energy is compatible with.
This is very similar to # One. However, this is slightly different in its mechanism. In the first one, you are literally having objects disappear because they have either moved or don't exist in your new timeline. In the case of dreams where you lose things, it is because your timeline shift occurred while you were asleep and you can feel it and your dream interprets as a loss. A common dream is you can't find your car. Even though you search the parking lot or parking structure you left it in, you can't find it and you are almost overwhelmed by the feeling of missing something. In this case, you have not made a personal timeline shift like you experience while awake and can't find an object. In this case, you have shifted to a new timeline the entire planet is experiencing. Another example will be losing your keys or your wallet. Everyone who is maturing spiritually will cause the entire planet to shift once a certain tipping point is achieved. You will feel it as you sleep and as a result, your dream state will process it as losing something very important to you.
This is a very important experience. The most common experience, in this case, is being somewhere far from home and you have to walk a long way to get home. You might find yourself hitchhiking or trying to catch a plane or train home. This is because your personal ascension is for the purpose of returning to SOURCE. Every time you make spiritual progress that makes it easier for you to return to SOURCE you will have a dream you are going home but have a long way to go.
In this case, you will keep seeing a certain number pattern like 12:34 or 11:11 or 12:12. Another version of this is waking up at the exact same time and seeing 3:33 or 4:44 or some other meaningful coincidence. Sometimes you will feel compelled to look at the time and see the same number pattern you saw yesterday. This only occurs in those who are connected to their higher-self. Your higher-self wants to connect with you and influence you but it won't do it in obvious ways like making the dog talk to you. But it might drive you to distraction by having you see a certain colored feather over and over or getting an email, a text and hearing a song on the radio about a certain subject all in a short amount of time. The reason this is so important is because it is your higher-self who planned your life here and is most invested in you achieving the goals needed for ascension. Only you can figure out what your higher-self is trying to tell you but it is your higher self you can be assured of that.
You have heard the saying, 'many are called but few are chosen.' That is because in your timeline most of the people you interact with are asleep. They are like computer-generated characters. They will faithfully execute the programming society and their culture has programmed them with. From their perspective, they will think of themselves as self-directed self-aware individuals but they basically are organic computers. You, on the other hand, are actually changing your programming and are going through the exhausting and scary process of unlearning and deprogramming yourself. Those around you will not understand and you will also possibly find yourself an enemy of the state if you are too aggressive in trying to change the system. This waking up to the realization the system around you is designed to make it so an elite few benefits at the expense of the vast majority will make you both unpopular and a target. It is also one of your most obvious ascension symptoms.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Stephen,

    Thank you for this blog; it was comforting to know I am not as crazy as I thought I was. I can heavily relate to all 5 examples you list above... especially 2 & 4 more so. Just briefly about me.... I was born again in 1985 and a traditional Christian until 1995 when, just like H.E.Armstrong, I started keeping the 7th day Sabbath because I could find no reason in the bible to change it to Sunday as tradition. Since that time, my spiritual life took a turn in direction; More about pleasing God than pleasing the church. Then in 2003 God spoke to me. No mate, not in a vision or a book or through another person... He actually used His own voice, so I for one know that He is surely an entity and not just some cosmic energy/source as some religions might suggest. Since then I have been inspired with writing what God Jehovah has taught me. I have a foolproof way of knowing what is right and true, and what is fake and man made. I use this system of knowing to guide me through these changes that I must traverse to advance my soul to a more acceptable level, and thus understand our Creator more deeply. I am grateful for your efforts here at your website that are playing a role in this advancement. I think I have emailed you in the past occasionally ( I think) , and I am also strikemaster on the Yahoo group. Dont be put off by the nic mate... it is meaningless. Grace and peace bro... Mike
