Saturday, May 26, 2018

Male Female Energy in Creation

There are two types of energy, one is passive and one is active. The passive energy is essentially the full potential, all possibilities in an unmanifested state. This is passive and is commonly called feminine energy. The second type of energy is active energy and is activated when a choice, decision or observation is made which plucks one possibility out of a field of infinite possibilities. This activation or choice manifests a specific energy pattern. This active energy is commonly called masculine. So Mother God contains all possibilities in her energy field and Father God activates or chooses which one to be made manifest. I believe a more accurate label would be 'Passive Source' and 'Active Source.' In the uncreated realm where true oneness exists both passive and active energy exist simultaneously and are indistinguishable. In created realms is where their oppositeness is perceptible as is all opposites made possible outside the Absolute SOURCE Realm which is transcendent of all created realms.

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