Monday, September 25, 2017

PANENTHEISM The term panentheism (meaning "all-in-God") was coined by German idealist philosopher Karl Christian Friedrich Krause (1781-1832), in the process of replacing scholarly notions of the transcendent God with a more participatory notion of the divine. Derived from the Greek words pan (all), en (in) and theos (God), this term refers to the belief that the world is in God, who in turn is in the world. Panentheism, however, is meant to be different from pantheism, which ontologically equates the universe with God. Thus, the panentheistic God is both an immanent force within all creation, and the transcendent power over the universe. There are two types of panentheism: 1) the type of panentheism that is partially pantheistic, claiming that the entirety of the universe is contained within God as a part of God, who is, of course, more than the universe that is only a part of God; and 2) the kind of panentheism that sees the ontological distinction between the world and God, when saying that both are immanent in each other. source: New World Encyclopedia

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